- Application forms and prospectus can be availed from the office of the DAV Public School, Chatrapur on payment of Rs. 500/- in cash from 9:30 A.M.– 2:30 P.M. on all working days from 2nd January 2022.
- Children who are born between 01.04.2017 & 31.03.2018 (both days inclusive) for LKG are only eligible for registration to the academic session 2022-23.
- Age for UKG to STD-VI must be as per the guidelines of the Government and CBSE.
- There will be an Interactive Session/Aptitude Test for students seeking admission into Class – UKG onwards.
Successful candidates whose names are included in the list must pay the fees by the due dates indicated on the list, displayed on the school notice board otherwise admission will automatically stand cancelled.
- The Photocopy of Birth Certificate in original issued by the Competent Authority is to be attached with the admission form for classes LKG, UKG & Std-l.
- For Class -II and above students transferring from a CBSE affiliated school must submit the Transfer Certificate issued by the previous school mentioning the CBSE affiliation number on it.
In case, students transfer from a school recognized by/affiliated to any other recognized Board (except CBSE) the School Leaving Certificate must be countersigned by the State Education Authority concerned.
- Fees have to be deposited within the stipulated dates, failing to which the seat will be allotted to the next wait-listed candidate.
The names once entered on the school Rolls, the date of birth shown on the admission form, birth certificate or on the T.C. will not be altered as per the guidelines of the CBSE.

FEE STRUCTURE (For New Admission) |
Special Development Fee Rs. 14,000/- (for new admission only) |
Registration Fee Rs. 1,000/- (for new only) |
10.30 a.m. to 2.30 p.m.(on all working days except the office holidays during the vacations) |
LKG & UKG Rs. 1,800/- per month Class IX & X Rs. 3,500/- per month |
Class I -V Rs. 2,000/- per month Class XI & XII Rs. 4,000/- per month |
Class VI -VIII Rs. 2,500/- per month |
Note : There will be a 10% enhancement in school fee every successive year (rounded to next 10). |