DAV College Managing Committee (DAVCMC), the executive body of the DAV College Trust and Management Society, New Delhi. The DAV Society visualized that the DAV schools shall produce men and women of sterling character and social commitments. It’s the largest non-governmental organization in the field of education in India today having an existence of 135 years.
Swami Dayanand Saraswati (Founder of Arya Samaj) and Mahatma Hansraj are the Foundation of DAV. DAV CMC runs and manages over 900+ educational campuses comprising public schools, colleges, institutes of professional education and a university Mahatma Hansraj is acknowledged as the founding father of the DAV movement which came into existence in 1886 by Dayanand Anglo Vedic Trust & Management to realize the prophetic vision of Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati, founder of the Arya Samaj. The sole objective of this movement was to promote value education and connect the rich heritage of our country with the technology of the present generation.

Credit goes to Dr. A.N. Khosla, the then Governor of Odisha, for introducing the DAV Society in the state, foreseeing the role of this movement for imparting literacy & technical education in the remote areas. The number of DAV schools has increased manifolds in the state owing to the trust of people for perpetuating innovative techniques of education. The first DAV school in Odisha was established in 1971, the number has risen to 52 schools till now in 17 districts.